Senior Youth Worker – Girls Lead
Hours: Negotiable; up to 25 hours per week (0.7 FTE)
Salary: £28,000 (pro rata)
Contract Period: Maternity Cover (January – December 2022)
We are looking for an enthusiastic and dedicated youth worker with leadership experience, to be responsible for the development and delivery of KYC’s targeted service with young women and girls.
Application deadline: Wednesday 1st December
Shortlisted candidates will be invited to interview on Thursday 9th December
Contact for further information and/or application pack.
Sessional Workers (Evenings and Afterschool)
Hours: Minimum 3 hours per week. Specific days & times to be agreed pending candidate availability.
We are looking for passionate, reliable youth workers to join the growing team at Knights Youth Centre to deliver youth work sessions for young people aged between 8 and 18.
Please contact for further information and/or application pack.